Saturday, April 08, 2006

Coffee Pot

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Collage Art 4

Collage Art 3

Collage Art 2

All this freakin "Collage Art" is dedicated to all the magazines I have purchased over the years! I will distroy you all!

Collage Art

As a Crap artist (Art-Countant???), I am interested in glue, Cats, naked chicks and splatterings of paint. Here are some colleges I have made. No paint has been applied to these guys, yet!

Monday, April 03, 2006

You have beautiful eyes,Cat A/ War, Toxic

This is a Scan of High School Collage Art Crap, I think it's pretty funny really
ok, this is new Scan of Cat A/ War

High school doodle, even back then I was a quiet environmentalist. In my mind that black area would be a lot bigger now, perhaps I could do an updated version, with more of the machine... hmmm.....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

New Art April 2

Cats in Messy RoomLike Jesus, I too wear flip flops, just because they are Hippy and comfortable

Alf is on the sneek attack, Watch out Purple Cat!

I'm never finished this one!

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